Indonesia's War Against Online Gambling, Had Led to Economic and Social Disasters

- 13 Juni 2024, 15:03 WIB
Ilustrasi judi online
Ilustrasi judi online /Rizki/Prmn

INDOBALINEWS - Indonesian government has been serious in combating online gambling. 

According to President Jokowi online gambling had led to economic and social disasters while drawing attention to such a practice being responsible for cases of bankruptcy, divorce, violence, and murder.

Therefore, President Jokowi affirmed that the Indonesian government is committed to exerting all-out efforts to eradicate and combat practices of online gambling, including by forming a special task force.

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"The government has been serious in eradicating and combating online gambling. We have managed to take down over 2.1 million online gambling sites. Moreover, the Online Gambling Eradication Task Force is about to be formed," he remarked in Jakarta on Wednesday June 12, 2024.

Jokowi made the remarks while delivering a press statement on the danger of online gambling, as witnessed on his secretariat's YouTube channel. The statement was made in response to recent crimes related to online gambling.

The head of state pointed out that online gambling had led to economic and social disasters while drawing attention to such a practice being responsible for cases of bankruptcy, divorce, violence, and murder.

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He then underscored that online gambling constitutes a transboundary and transnational organized crime that prompts people to take independent actions to resist and avoid it rather than solely relying on the government's measures.


Editor: Shira Ade

Sumber: Antara


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